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Wootton Lower School

Headteacher: Chris Tavener

Co-Headteacher: Emma Maguire

Number on roll: 550

Ofsted Rating:



Wootton Lower School is a age 4-9 lower school which is due to formally join Chiltern Learning Trust in the Autumn of 2024. Following an Ofsted inspection in 2024, Wootton Lower School is a good graded school

Wootton Lower School’s motto “believe, achieve, thrive” was created by pupils, parents, staff, and governors to summarise the school's caring community which ensures that pupils are happy, secure, and able to develop their intellectual and physical potential to the full.

Pupils flourish at Wootton Lower School. They come to school happy to be part of the school community (Ofsted, 2024)
Pupils trust adults to help them resolve any problems quickly and to keep them safe (Ofsted, 2024)




01234 768239


Bedford Road | Wootton | MK43 9JT