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It is vitally important that trusts like ours work in partnership with other providers including the local authority and other schools, locally, regionally and nationally, and that we use these partnerships to help drive system wide improvement so that our students and others are able to benefit from the best possible education.


We currently work in partnership with a wide variety of organisations locally, regionally and nationally and these partnerships even extend to our students who often mentor and assist students in local schools through leadership and coaching programmes.

Through our teaching school alliance and our work with Challenge Partners, we have a well-established record of accomplishment for system leadership and school-to-school support. The Teaching School Alliance is made up of a number of schools in Luton and Central Bedfordshire. The Heads meet regularly to discuss the direction of the Alliance, and all schools play an active part in providing as well as receiving support. A complete list of the Schools that are part of our Hub can be found here.

We also provided school-to-school support through collaborative funds.

Our Initial Teacher Training provider is the very well established SCITT, the Chiltern Training Group. Based at Challney High School for Boys it has provided Secondary Newly Qualified Teachers for the local area for over twenty years, and has been judged Outstanding by Ofsted in its two most recent Inspections. We work in partnership with 19 schools and colleges to ensure the best possible training for those entering the profession. We expanded our provision to include Primary trainees from September 2017, working in partnership with The Acorn Teaching Group and other local schools. For a complete list of our partner schools, click here