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Local Governing Bodies

In order to discharge their responsibilities, the Directors appoint people with local interests and connections who have relevant expertise to serve on the Local Governing Body of each school.

The board then delegates various agreed functions to the members of the Local Governing Body and meets at certain times throughout the year to provide guidance and assess and monitor progress.

We are very fortunate to have a wide range of skills and expertise within our local governing bodies and a group of people who are passionate about serving their community and obtaining the absolute best for every child.

Our governors provide an exceptional level of challenge and support to each school on a voluntary basis with the sole ambition of raising standards and achievement.

The role of the Local Governing Body is to:

  • implement and administer the Trust’s policies at local level and report termly to the Board of Trustees

  • monitor and be accountable for the performance and standards of the school to Ofsted

  • govern exclusions in accordance with appropriate regulations

  • consider budget monitoring information and proposals

  • act as a critical friend to the Headteacher

  • represent the views of the community


 Governance Membership

Governing Body Membership