Linslade School
Headteacher: Mark Gibbs
Head of School: Phil Stock
Number on roll: 630
Ofsted Rating:
Linslade School is a 9-13 middle school, situated in Leighton Buzzard, that joined Chiltern Learning Trust in 2018. Following an Ofsted inspection in 2022, Linslade School continues to be a good graded school.
Linslade Schools mantra "Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow" underpins ambition and aspiration for all pupils. Linslade is a school of strong intent and bridges the gap between lower and upper school. The school has a proud tradition in performing arts and sports, competing in competitions at local, county and regional level.
Pupils are safe and are well supported by staff (Ofsted, 2022)
Most pupils access at least one activity a week and talk very positively about the benefits they gain, such as increased confidence (Ofsted, 2022)
01525 372640
Mentmore Road | Leighton Buzzard | Bedfordshire | LU7 2PA