Dallow Primary School
Headteacher: Katharine Lovell
Number on roll: 630
Ofsted Rating:
Dallow Primary School is a vibrant primary situated in Luton and a part of Chiltern Learning Trust since 2014. In 2023, Dallow received a good grading following their Ofsted inspection.
Dallow Primary School embraces the spirit of their motto “improving the life chances of every child” through their commitment to providing outstanding education for all pupils. Since joining the Trust, KS2 SATs results have increased considerably and the consecutive good Ofsted reports reflect the schools overall improving standard.
Pupils like attending this friendly and happy school (Ofsted, 2023)
Pupils learn to consider their future careers, which helps them to prepare well for the next stage in their education (Ofsted, 2023)
01582 616601
Dallow Road | Luton | Bedfordshire | LU1 1LZ