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Chiltern Training Group

The Chiltern Training Group (CTG) was founded in 1993 by Challney High School for Boys and is a partnership of Luton and Bedfordshire high and upper schools and the Luton Sixth Form College.

The partnership works together to provide School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), offering secondary and primary PGCE courses to teach the entire age group for most school subjects.

Their School Centred Initial Teacher Training offers a different style of learning to a traditional university based course but leads to the same qualification. They are also Luton’s most established School Centred Initial Teacher Training provider and were once again judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted in February 2014.

Since their inception, they have trained over 1200 teachers drawing on graduates from the local community and further afield. Their vision has always encapsulated the belief that the best place to train teachers in the art of teaching, is at the heart of teaching - the classroom.

