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Cedars Upper School

Headteacher: Mark Gibbs

Head of School: Umara Qureshi

Number on roll: 1,100

Ofsted Rating:



Cedars Upper School is a 13-18 upper school and sixth form that joined Chiltern Learning Trust in 2018. Following an Osfted inspection in 2023, Cedars Upper School was graded good across all areas. 

The school's motto “Achieving Excellence” underpins Cedars key values of student creativity, engagement, determination, aspiration, respect and success. The School’s curriculum is designed to excite and challenge pupils, resulting in Cedars students receiving the best GCSE and A Level results in Leighton Buzzard and wider county in 2022.

Pupils feel safe and like being at school (Ofsted, 2023)

 Pupils have a positive relationship with staff and trust them (Ofsted, 2023) 




01525 219300


Mentmore Road | Linslade | Leighton Buzzard | Bedfordshire | LU7 2AE