Ardley Hill Academy
Headteacher: Stephen Fox
Number on roll: 475
Ofsted Rating:
Ardley Hill Academy is a primary school that joined Chiltern Learning Trust in 2019. The school has recently undergone Ofsted inspection, this follows a positive monitoring report in 2021.
Located in the heart of Dunstable, Ardley Hill is complete with a small ASD provision and pre-school. The school's motto “Learning for Life” encapsulates how every day and every activity is a learning opportunity for Ardley Hill pupils.
Pupils endeavour to embody the school’s ‘REACH’ values and relish the five-step reward programme. It boosts pupils’ happiness and sense of being a valued member of the school community. Pupils and their families appreciate this approach (Ofsted, 2024)
Pupils often excel in reading. This is because the school diligently implements its phonics and reading programmes (Ofsted, 2024)
01582 667955
Lowther Road | Dunstable | Bedfordshire | LU6 3NZ